Getting Your Reformer Level
In order for your reformer to run smoothly and quietly it must be level. Starting with all the adjustable feet fully screwed in, adjust the feet out until the reformer is level, ideally checking it with a spirit level. Tip: Always lower a high foot
before raising a low foot & be sure not to have move than 1cm of thread exposed. Maintenance: Periodically check all bolts that attach the legs to the reformer are tight.
Stacking your C2-Pro RC Reformer.
For Studio use the C2-Pro RC reformer has been designed to stack, for when the floor space is required for other purposes. To stack the C2-Pro RC with standard legs you must first remove the shoulder rests and the rope risers and place them along the centre of the carriage (do not put them on the edge of the carriage or they may be damaged by the reformer on top). Now put the foot bar in the down position. You can then stack the reformers on top of each other, the reformers must be stacked top to tail. If you have the C2-Pro RC with the leg extensions you can stack them without the need to remove the shoulder rests.
How to safely stand your Pilates Reformer
IMPORTANT: At least 2 people are needed to stack the reformers, particular if stacking more than 3 high. Each reformer weighs just over 50Kg, so correct lifting technique must be used – if in doubt about how to lift safely please seek advice.
Storing the Reformer Vertically
The C2-Pro RC reformer can be stood up for space saving storage, so long as it is fitted with leg extension or, with the freestanding legs (see point 4). Warning: The reformer should only be stood on resilient, level floors in locations where it cannot be accessed by children or risk being knocked over by other activities.
Standing the Reformer
To stand the reformer vertically, first attach all springs, put the foot bar in to the second lowest position. Put the spring bar in the position closest to the standing platform, then lifting from the rope riser end, wheel the reformer to the place where you wish to stand it – ideally close to a wall. If you have leg extensions remove the locking pins before standing, once standing these can be opened out with your foot. Be sure to open the legs all the way out. Once standing please lock the legs in the open position, If you have leg extensions the reformer will stand on its own. Please do not stand the reformer on a rug or mat which can slip away.
Lowering the Reformer
To lower the reformer from the vertical storage position: firstly check there are no obstacles behind you to trip over when lowering. If you have the freestanding legs, first remove the locking pins, then holding the underside of the runners fold the legs in with your feet. Then walk backwards gradually walking your hands up the runners as you step backwards and lower the machine to waist height and manoeuvre in to desired position using the wheels.
Note: the C2 Pro RC reformer weighs over 50Kg and though standing or, lowering the reformer does not require lifting the full weight, if in any doubt about standing the machine up try to do this with the aid of another person for the first few times until you are confident that you can do this on your own. Always use correct lifting technique when first lifting or lowering the reformer.
Essential Safety & Maintenance Information (Read Before Use)
Periodic Maintenance
Please check the apparatus before first use and after each of the first few uses to check that all the fittings are securely fastened. Thereafter, it is important to follow a regular maintenance schedule by someone familiar with the equipment and record your maintenance checks. Equally inspection should be made immediately if any part appears not be operating correctly or something appears to be loose. Below follows a basic maintenance guide though our detailed maintenance guide and a sample maintenance log can be downloaded from here.
Some of the suggestions here require the removal of the carriage. This is simple, requires no tools and only takes a couple of minutes. The sequence is 1) Remove the rope risers 2) Slide out the T bar & place on the floor with the risers. 3) remove the 2 rubber carriage stoppers from the insider of the runner 4) carefully slide out the carriage being careful not to drop the 2 floating wheels that are on the RH shoulder side of the reformer.
- Springs – Inspect for signs of wear – look for deformation, kinks, gaps and corrosion. Springs showing signs of damage must not be used and must be replaced immediately. Springs must be replaced every 2 years or after 3,000 hours, whichever is first, or immediately if showing signs of fatigue or deformation
- Foot Bar – check that all allen bolts securing the padded bar to the aluminium arms and to the steel engagement bar and through the frame are tight, but be careful not to over tighten.
- Runners – ensure the runners are regularly cleaned and kept free from dirt as this is the main cause for a noisy reformer. If excess dirt is spotted on the runners then the wheels may also need cleaning. We recommend cleaning the runners with a window cleaner eg. Windowlene.
- Ropes and Handles – check ropes for signs of wear, fraying or nicks and replace if damaged. Check stitching on handles and silent foot strap is intact and handles are not overly worn.
- PVC Upholstery – always ensure that belts, jewellery and shoes are removed when working on the equipment as buckles, rings, watches and bangles can all end up damaging the upholstery. For cleaning upholstery we recommend cleaning with gym wipes from, which are available worldwide. For further information on cleaning recommendations see the link above.
- Wheels – Remove the carriage and check for smooth rotation, if the wheels are not turning smoothly or are scarred or damaged this will impede the smooth and quiet running of the equipment and the wheels need to be replaced.
- Shoulder Rests – check the pads are securely bolted on to the metal frame – if loose retighten.
- Spring hooks – hand check that all eye hooks will not move. If loose remove, apply loctite and retighten. Check that the spring retention bungee is correctly attached underneath the carriage.
- Nuts & Allen Bolts – check all nuts and bolts are tight, including those on the rope pulley wheels and those securing the head rest and optional legs or freestanding leg attachments if attached.
Basic Reformer & Exercise Safety
If you are not familiar with using a Pilates reformer we suggest you seek advice from a qualified Pilates
professional in order to learn how to get the most out of your reformer and to cover the basic safety
aspects of using this type of equipment. A number of companies also offer short safety induction courses.
- Pilates is about smooth and controlled movement. When performing exercises try to prevent the carriage from slamming in to the carriage stops and the springs from recoiling in an uncontrolled manner as this can damage the springs and shorten their life.
- Secure the carriage with at least one spring when your Reformer is not in use, Do not get on the carriage when there are no springs attached unless you deliberately want to do this.
- When standing on the reformer always put your first foot on the standing platform and then the other on the carriage. When standing on the carriage ensure that your foot is not standing on the head rest. When getting off the reformer from standing take your foot off the carriage first and then step down off the standing platform. If leg extensions are in use then a Gondola pole should always be used when standing on the reformer.
- Use your reformer in a clear space with at least 1m of space all around the machine. This equipment is for indoor use only on a firm and flat surface
- When using a reformer less is often more, remember when performing certain exercises less spring resistance makes the exercise more challenging.
- Before starting any exercise program, consult a physician.
- Before using the equipment, read and follow instructions in the safety manual and obtain thorough instruction from a Qualified Trainer.
- Use equipment only for recognised Pilates repertoire.
- Stop exercising if you experience chest pain, feel faint, have difficulty breathing or experience musculoskeletal discomfort.
- Keep clothing, body and hair free from all moving parts.
- Do not use if equipment appears worn, broken or damaged. Do not attempt to repair equipment yourself. Ensure equipment that is out of service cannot be used.
- Do not allow children to use or be around equipment without adult supervision.
- If standing the equipment for storage be sure it is kept in a safe place, on level ground and away from children or activities that could knock it over. If in doubt secure the equipment in an appropriate manner.
- Do not exceed the maximum user weight for the equipment which is 150Kg.
- The C2 Pro RC can be moved & stood up by a single person with relative ease, as the weight is similar to lifting a heavy suitcase. However, if you have back or similar issues you should avoid moving or standing the C2 Pro RC alone
- If using a Platform Extender on the Reformer, ensure that the Spring Bar is set in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th position. By setting the Spring Bar in the 1st position, you may cause damage to the Platform Extender or Reformer Carriage.
Congratulations! You are now ready to use your C2-Pro RC Reformer. Now would be a good time to make a note to replace your springs in 2 years or, within 3,000 hours of use, whichever is sooner. We hope that you enjoy using your new C2-Pro RC reformer!
Accessories for your C2-Pro RC Reformer